Identify and Evaluate
Technology Solutions and Services
Find a Solution That Is Right for Your Company
Across the legal industry, the need for technology solutions and services has increased exponentially in recent years. But, not all consumers are aware of the scope and breadth of these solutions. Educated consumers of legal technology products and services make better buyers and more satisfied customers.
The ACEDS' Services and Software Directory is a factual, neutral presentation of e-discovery products and professional services options that are available to consumers. It should serve as a starting point for consumers of technology products to begin their evaluation and purchase journey. These are not product reviews or assessments; just an honest, unbiased digest of products and services, designed to educate buyers, enable them to make informed purchase decisions, and hopefully inspire them to make a purchase.

Find a Provider
Identify and evaluate technology solutions and services available in e-discovery

List Your Organization
Showcase your company and targeted products and/or services in the ACEDS Services and Software Directory.

E-Discovery Buyer's Guide
Download a free copy of ACEDS' 2022 Definitive E-Discovery Buyer's Guide